What is dogecoin2.0 ?
An open-source peer-to-peer digital currency, favoured by Shiba Inus worldwide.
At its heart, dogecoin2.0 is the accidental crypto movement that makes people smile! It is also an opensource peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that utilises blockchain technology, a highly secure decentralised system of storing information as a public ledger that is maintained by a network of computers called nodes. More than this, though, is the ethos of Dogecoin, summarised in the dogecoin2.0 Manifesto , and its amazing, vibrant community made up of friendly folks just like you!

Buy Tax 0% Sell Tax 0%
02 Contract renounced
We don't have any rights for the doge2 token
Liquility Burned
All of the LP has been burnt
Do Only Good Everyday.
The dogecoin2.0 community cares about supporting each other, being kind, teaching people about cryptocurrency, fundraising, having fun, making memes, and being absurd. This is nicely captured by Dogecoin’s unofficial tagline: D o O nly G ood E2 veryday. Get involved in our awesome community via the below links: